The Georgia notary acknowledgement for a partnership is a device used by a notary public to attest to the authenticity of a signature. Execution of this notarial certificate requires the acknowledging partner (or their agent) to appear before the notary and prove that they signed the document in question. This information can be determined upon confirmation of the individual’s identity by the notary. The acknowledging partner or agent must then “acknowledge” their signature (make a statement indicating that the signature was given freely). Following acknowledgement by the partner or agent, the notary will fill out the acknowledgement certificate to notarize the document.
Laws – § 45-17-8
State of Georgia
County of ___________________
This instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ___________________, 20____, by ___________________ (Name of Acknowledging Partner or Agent), partner (or agent) on behalf of ___________________ (Name of Partnership), a partnership.
_____ Personally Known
_____ Produced Identification
Type and # of ID_____________________
______________________________________ (Seal)
(Signature of Notary)______________________________________
(Name of Notary Typed, Stamped, or Printed)
Notary Public, State of Georgia