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Maine Notary Acknowledgement – Public Officer

Maine notary acknowledgement for a public officer serves the purpose of notarizing a document signed by a public officer, trustee, or other person in a representative capacity. The instrument requiring notarization can be signed by the representative before bringing it to a notary public. The notary will confirm the identity of the signing party and will ask that they make an acknowledgement endorsing their signature and expressing that they signed under no pressure from a third party. The notary’s duty is complete once they have accepted the acknowledgement and filled out the notarial certificate.

Laws§ 4:22:1016




State of Maine
County of ________________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ________________ [date] by ________________ [name and title of position].

[Notary Public Signature]
[Print Name of Notary Public]
Notary Public, State of Maine
My Commission Expires: ________________
[Seal optional]