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Illinois Notary Acknowledgement – Partnership

The Illinois notary acknowledgement for a partnership is a tool that a notary public will use to affirm that a signature made by a representative of a partnership is authentic. The process of acknowledgement involves the notary confirming the identity of the partner (or agent) and ensuring that they are eligible to sign on behalf of the partnership. The duties of the notary also include checking the competency of the signer, taking the acknowledgement statement made by the individual, and executing the acknowledgement form to authenticate the signature.

Laws – 5 ILCS 312/6-105 and 765 ILCS 30/7



State of Illinois
County of _________________


This instrument was acknowledged before me on _________________ (Date) by ______________________________________ (Name of Acknowledging Partner or Agent), partner (or agent) on behalf of ______________ (Name of Partnership), a partnership.


______________________________________                                            (Seal)
Signature of Notary Public

Title or Rank

My Commission Expires: __________________