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Michigan Notary Acknowledgement – Public Officer

The Michigan public officer notary acknowledgement is a certificate used to notarize legal documents that have been signed by public officers. Once the document has been signed, it must be presented to a notary public. The signer will have to show proof of identity and must acknowledge the signature as their own free act and deed. Once these duties have been completed, the notary public will fill out the certificate and sign it.

Laws§ 565.267



State of Michigan
County of ________________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this ___________________ [date] by ______________________ [name of public officer], ______________________ [title/position of public officer] of the Michigan department of ______________________ [name of department].

Notary Public Signature: ______________________
Notary Printed Name: ________________________
Acting in the County of: _______________________
My Commission Expires: ______________________