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Connecticut Notary Acknowledgement – Signature by Mark

The Connecticut notary acknowledgement for a signature by mark is completed by a notary public when an individual is incapable of signing their name on an item requiring notarization. The signing party may instead write a mark, generally an “X,” to serve in place of the signature. A notary public and two (2) witnesses must be present at the time the mark is written. After the mark is made, the two (2) witnesses should print their names on both the signed document and the notary public’s journal. The completed acknowledgement certificate indicates that the signer was identified by the notary and executed the document as an act of their own free will.

Laws – § 1-34



State of Connecticut
County of _________________         ss. _________________ (Town/City)


On this the ____ day of _________________, 20____, before me, _________________, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared _________________ (signer), known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who made and acknowledged making his/her mark on the within instrument in my presence and in the presence of the two persons indicated below who have signed the within instrument as witnesses, one of whom, _________________ (name of witness), also wrote the name of the signer by mark near the mark.


____________________________                                                                (Seal)

Signature of Notary Public


Title of Officer

Date Commission Expires: _________________


____________________________                            ____________________________

Witness’s Name and Address                                     Witness’s Name and Address