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Colorado Notary Acknowledgement – Representative Capacity

The Colorado notary acknowledgement for representative capacity is a document used to validate the signature given by an individual (the “representative”) who is signing on behalf of another individual or entity. To verify the signature, the representative must visit a notary public and provide them with satisfactory proof of their identity and documentation of the authority granted to act on the other individual or entity’s behalf. The notary will execute the acknowledgement certificate once they are confident the representative is qualified to sign.

Note: Colorado will adopt the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA) starting July 1, 2018. The information available on this page is directed towards the execution of an acknowledgement certificate according to the RULONA statutes. While the previous Colorado notary statutes are similar to those of the RULONA, there may be minor differences in the language and formatting (review the statues listed below to determine any discrepancies).

Laws – § 12-55-208 (As of July 1, 2018, Colorado notaries shall abide by the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts)



State of Colorado

County of __________________________


This record was acknowledged before me on __________________________ (date) by __________________________ (name[s] of individual[s]) as __________________________

(type of authority, such as officer or trustee) of __________________________ (name of party on behalf of whom record was executed).


____________________________                                                                (Seal)

Signature of Notarial Officer



Title of Office

My Commission Expires: _______________